SB Wall


Few spaces are as alienating as the waiting room in hospitals and clinics. Even in the waiting room of an aesthetic clinic, fear, stress and doubt take over the minds of those occupying the room. The waiting provides space and time to think and observe.
So when SB Clinic contacted me for a special mosaic piece for their waiting room, it was clear from the start that my work had to create an atmosphere of escape, beauty and elegance. The work had to tell a positive story, so people could dream away and escape from reality for a moment, before their medical appointment.
The only two requirements at the briefing were the general use of the warm rusty colour and the incorporation of the clinic's grey logo into the design. As always, I started this project with an open mind and made three different propositions for the design, based on different drawings and sketches, materials and colour variations, including several mosaic samples.
SB clinic is known for its skills and mastership, two characteristics that I also want to put into my projects. For this project, we eventually chose Bisazza mosaic, porcelain stoneware and gold from Orsoni in order to create both an elegance and the excitement in materials, form and movement.
My creative process is a very personal one, where I combine my technical knowledge with my personality and character. Yet, it’s important to me that the client is involved in that process, so I invited her on several occasions to the workshop to have a physical experience of the mosaic. But when I was halfway through the creation process, she was so moved that she told me that she didn't want to see anything more until the final installation of the project. She trusted me, the same way that people in the waiting room trust her.

Graphic design : ekta – Website : bien à vous